Friday, June 18, 2010

First day at PGE

Yesterday was my first day interning at PGE Park.  It was so much fun! I LOVE IT!  So I found out I get free dinner when I work!  When I work during the week I get a good catered meal, and during weekends we get vouchers for stadium food. mmmmmm.  I also got my badge that get me anywhere in PGE, and I got 50 free Beavers tickets and 20 free Timbers tickets.  We had orientation and then hung out until the Timbers game and worked that.  I am so excited to be working at PGE.  Tonight is my first Beavers game, I am pumped to work it!  This internship is so much fun it makes me more excited to graduate and get a job.  During the internship I am going to talk to people around the office to make connections for a job after school.  More to come later, all I can say is yay!
Always Mikaylee

Friday, June 11, 2010

Apple Girl

well.. I got a Macbook.  I read some reviews on and decided that Mac users are happier than PC users with their decision, and that if I got a HP I would still wonder what it would have been like to get a Mac.  So I got my Mac and the free ipod touch and printer.  I am set! Well now I have 2 printers and I get printing at the Business School.. so we'll see what happens with that, but currently it is like Christmas with my 2 new gadgets to play with!  P.S. it is summer! I am in Corvallis with Mark and Sunday we drive to Portland so he can catch a train to Seattle and I can live with my aunt and uncle.  I am writing this on my parents computer because they do not have wireless internet.  Fortunately come Sunday I will be at my aunt and uncles loving their wireless internet on both my macbook and ipod touch which gets wireless internet!  I am so excited!  I start work at Victorias Secret Monday and start my internship Thursday.  That's all for now HAPPY SUMMER!
Always Mikaylee